Kushner: If Only Black Voters Would Appreciate My Father-In-Law More

Word salad blaming Black voters for their lack of appreciation and ambition is what you're going with one week away from Election Day? Alrighty then.

Note: Stay to the end of this clip when Steve Doocy says of Donald Trump: "Well. . .he does say what's on his mind . . .he's really good at that. . ." When you've lost Doocy...

And...Gosh, Jared.

On Monday morning, the poster boy for nepotism for all of the 21st Century (I'll bank on that) told Fox and Friends that Black voters have to WANT to succeed, and if they do want to succeed, they will appreciate all that his father-in-law is doing for them.

No, really. It's word salad for an audience of one.

JARED KUSHNER: President Trump's policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they're complaining about, but he can't want them to be successful more than that they want to be successful.

Complaining Blacks don't WANT to be successful enough.

Earlier in the interview, he said, "There’s been a lot of discussion about the issues that were needed in the Black community for the last years, particularly it intensified after the George Floyd situation. You saw a lot of people who were just virtue signaling, they’d go on Instagram and cry or they would put a slogan on their jersey or write something on a basketball court. And quite frankly, that was doing more to polarize the country than it was to bring people forward.”

Black people protesting the death of George Floyd polarized the country. Really.

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