Mayor Pete Does In MAGA Heckler With One Question: 'Do You Denounce White Supremacy?'

At a campaign event in Florida, Pete Buttigieg destroys a Trumpy heckler with kindness, patience, and a simple question.

Oh, Mayor Pete, how we love thee.

During a Biden/Harris campaign event in Florida, Pete Buttigieg was interrupted by a MAGA chud attempting to heckle him while recording himself with one hand and holding at least two MAGA hats in the other. Complete with facemask down around his neck to allow his spittle to fully aerosolize, the fascist-promoting fella was approached by some of the people who were there to hear Buttigieg speak, but Mayor Pete told them, "Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. We're bigger than that. Don't worry about it."

Then our favorite campaigning mayor graced this MAGAt with the opportunity to engage.

BUTTIGIEG: So, can I finish my remarks?
MAGA: (*unintelligible*, begins pointing to Buttigieg and talking)
BUTTIGIEG: Are you afraid to hear what I have to say?
MAGA: (*unintelligible* still pointing and talking)
BUTTIGIEG: Yes, are you afraid to hear what I have to say?
MAGA: (*unintelligible* still pointing and talking)
BUTTIGIEG: Yes, are you afraid of what I have to say?
MAGA: (*unintelligible* still pointing and talking, now to his cell phone)
BUTTIGIEG: Do you denounce white supremacy?
BUTTIGIEG: GOOD! Then we agreed on something! That's the beginning point. If you can get your president to do the same thing...Now,

I mean, how smooth is Mayor Pete? How solid? How unflappable? This man has been one of the most valuable surrogates for Biden and Harris ever since the ticket was announced. It's not for nothing he's been dubbed "The Fox Whisperer."

Someone even posted the rest of the idiot's appearance:

Naturally, and deservedly, Mayor Buttigieg drew rave reviews for this takedown.

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