Metaphor: Trump Leaves Nebraska Supporters Stranded In Freezing Temperatures
NBC News has obtained Omaha police broadcast calls that describe at least seven people being taken to the hospital due to severe temperatures.
Talk about a metaphor! Trump took off after his rally in Omaha, Nebraska last night -- and his supporters waited for hours in freezing temperatures for buses to take them to their cars.
"He wrapped up in Omaha, Nebraska, last night, though, hundreds of supporters were left behind in nearly freezing temperatures for hours with no transportation," Mika Brzezinski said on Morning Joe.
"They were bussed in and then left there. Trump departed Omaha on Air Force One around 9 p.m. Very comfortable with a refrigerator and he could wash his hands 50 times. After the rally attendees began lining up for buses. They were bussed in, so they figured they'd be bussed out to return to their cars. These supporters, many of them were elderly. waited for those buses to take them to distant park lots as vehicles tried to navigate through airport traffic.
"Reports placed the outdoor temperature at 32 degrees, according to the Washington Post. By 10:30 p.m., there was still no buses in sight. Crowds didn't fully clear the rally until 12:30 a.m. Three and 1/2 hours after the president departed. Great planning. Super spreader planning. NBC News has obtained Omaha police broadcast calls that describe at least seven people being taken to the hospital due to severe temperatures. A political reporter for the Omaha World Herald posted these last night with the message, 'if you're waiting on someone who attended the Trump rally in Omaha, it may be a while until they get a bus to get out.'
Mika read from a tweet posted by a local Democratic official.
"Traffic along the small roadway to the private side of the airfield is packed up and buses were having trouble getting getting through. Buses weren't able to get back to transport people out. It's freezing and snowy in Omaha tonight. What people will do for this con man, he truly does not care about you."
Joe Scarborough quoted the Atlantic's Anne Applebaum: "Trump leaves supporters stranding in the cold is a perfect metaphor for 2020."