Pelosi Claps Back On Wolf Blitzer's Republican Framing Of Stimulus

"It's no use giving them a false thing just because the president wants to put a check with his name on it in the mail," the Speaker said.

Just so you understand, prominent "news" personalities are still carrying water for the establishment, especially the Republicans. Wolf Blitzer did his best last night to blame Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the refusal of Mitch McConnell and the White House to meet the needs of Americans during a pandemic. He put up a tweet by Ro Khanna telling Pelosi to 'make a deal and put the ball in McConnell's court.' What do you say to Ro Khanna?" he prodded.

Well. Nancy was having none of it.

"I don't know if you're always an apologist for the Republicans," she said. "Nobody is waiting until February. I want this very much now. Because people need help now. But it's no use giving them a false thing just because the president wants to put a check with his name on it in the mail, that we should not be doing all we can to help people pay the rent, put food on the table and enhance benefits that they don't lose their jobs if their state and local, that they this -- we are talking about the consequences of a pandemic, symptoms of a problem that the president refuses to address and that is the coronavirus."

"Why not work out a deal with [Trump] and don't let the perfect, as they say here in Washington, be the enemy of the good?"

"I will not let the wrong be the enemy of the right."

"What is wrong with 1.8 trillion dollars?"

"You know what? Do you have any idea what the difference is between the spending they have in their bill and we have in our bill? Do you realize they have come back and said all of these things for child tax credits and earned income tax credits or helping people who lost their jobs are eliminated in their bill? Do you realize they pay no respect to the fact that child care is very important for people whose children cannot go to school because they are doing remote learning and, yet, they minimize the need for child care which is the threshold with which people, mothers and fathers, can go to work if they have that. Do you have any idea at how -- "

"That is precisely why it's important. I spoke yesterday to Andrew Yang who said it's not everything you want but a lot there."

"Honest to God," an exasperated Pelosi said.

"You really -- I can't get over it because Andrew Yang is lovely. Ro is lovely. But they are not negotiating this situation. They have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here. I didn't come over here -- so you're the one apologizing for the Obama -- excuse me. God forbid."

Blitzer wanted to know why she wasn't speaking to Trump. "Why not call him and say, 'Let's work out a deal.' There are so many Americans in desperate need. Let's make a deal'?"

She points out several times that Wolf doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Why don't you talk about in their bill, a tax break for the wealthiest families in the country while they cut out the Earned Income Tax Credit for the poorest families and poorest children in our country, that we have to fight with them to get them to address the coronavirus crisis because they have said it's a hoax and it's a magical and it would cure. It hasn't. That's why we find ourselves in this situation."

She said the knowledge her chairs bring to the table are knowledgeable, and will get it done. "So what I say to those people is, we are going to get a deal and when we do it will be retroactive."

When Blitzer continued to press, she told him off once again.

"We have known each other a long time. With all due respect, you really don't know what you're talking about. The plural of anecdote is not data. Yes, some people said this or that overwhelmingly, my caucus wants what is right for the American people."

In other words, a pretend executive in a pretend boardroom pretends his way into the White House and gets treated with kid gloves, but the experienced leader who's been serving the country for years is an egotistical idiot and needs to be cajoled into doing her job.


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