Coronavirus Surges To 56,000 Cases A Day As Trump Holds Maskless Rallies

"Things would have to get really, really bad for a national lockdown," Dr. Anthony Fauci said.

CNN's New Day focused on the recent surge in coronavirus cases this morning.

"The U.S. has now more than 8.1 million coronavirus cases," reporter Adrienne Broaddus said.

"in the last week, at least 27 states reported an increase in new cases. "This, as health experts warn our darkest days could be right around the corner."

She said the country is averaging more than 56,000 new cases per day in the past week.

"Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar attributing the recent surge to complacency."

We're getting colder weather and we're losing that natural social distancing that happens from being out of doors and people are getting tired. The American people have given so much. We're seeing mitigation fatigue right now.

Broaddus points out Wisconsin saw record hospitalizations this weekend, "and a positivity rate at nearly 25% despite having one of the lowest positivity rates in the Midwest. Illinois has seen an uptick in new cases and hospitalizations in recent days."

It is dangerous right now. We want people to wear masks, we want people to socially distance. We need to make sure that we have certain mitigations in place. And of course, we've already opened up much of our economy, but we have to maintain certain capacity limits and make sure that our people are safe and healthy.

"Even though the country has seen a sharp rise in new cases this month, Dr. Anthony Fauci is not advocating for the country to shut down completely."

They would have to get really, really bad. First of all, the country is fatigued with restrictions. So we want to use public health measures, not to get in the way of opening the economy, but to being a safe gateway to opening the economy.

New Mexico hospitalizations have doubled in the past month.

"The governor issuing new restrictions, limiting gatherings to five people and requiring establishments that serve alcohol to have to close by 10 p.m. This as President Trump travels to Arizona today to hold two rallies. The mayor of Tucson warning the president must abide by the restrictions in the city, including mask wearing and social distancing. Trump's rallygoers have frequently not worn masks and have not socially distanced."

FAUCI: See, I think that's less an anti-science and it's more a statement.

REPORTER: What kind of a statement?

FAUCI: You know, a statement of strength, like, we're strong, we don't need a mask, that kind of thing. He sometimes equates wearing a mask with weakness.

REPORTER: Does that make sense to you?

FAUCI: No, it doesn't, of course not.

"In that same interview, Dr. Fauci said he wasn't surprised President Trump contracted covid-19. He said he saw the Amy Coney Barrett event at the Rose Garden and thought nothing good could come from it. As it turned out, it was a super spreader event."

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