Trump War Room Accuses Gretchen Whitmer Of Inciting Violence Against Donald Trump

Something straight out of The Onion by the Trump campaign.

When I saw the tweet above I admit that I first thought it was from a parody account, but no, it's actually from the official Trump campaign response on Twitter. You might think that the Trump campaign would be telling Trump to cool it with the rhetoric against Michigan's Governor, especially after a plot to kidnap her and probably kill her was thwarted by the FBI. But that's just not how these bunch of idiots rolls, and Trump continues to double-down on her. Which is all just as well I guess, as it further pushes women away from Trump and hastens his trip back to civilian life.

Source: International Business Times

Governor Gretchen Whitmer has a small “86 45” sign in her office, and now President Donald Trump’s campaign claims she’s advocating for his assassination.

A tweet from the Trump War Room, which is an officially verified account with a bio stating that it is “managed by the #TeamTrump 2020 campaign,” sent out the message Sunday afternoon.

“Governor Gretchen Whitmer displayed an ‘86 45’ sign during her TV appearance. 86 can be shorthand for killing someone,” the tweet claims. “Whitmer is encouraging assassination attempts against President Trump just weeks after someone sent a ricin-laced package to the White House.”

The tweet included a follow-up with screenshots from Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary, two sources that can be edited by any user. (Notably, the Urban Dictionary definition included isn’t even on the first few pages of the 86 entry.)

So does 86 mean murder? Merriam-Webster Dictionary says it means “to refuse to serve (a customer),” “to get rid of” and/or “throw out.” That’s because it’s most commonly used in restaurants or bars when they want to get a disruptive patron to leave.

Mental Floss and Snopes both note that 86 can sometimes mean kill. However, most often, it means to get rid of something or someone, and it's commonly associated with restaurant lingo.

And the Chair of the Michigan GOP also got in on the foolishness, tweeting:

Normal people on Twitter though wondered if it was a joke, as it was so f-ing stupid.

Room Rater gave Whitmer a 10/10 though.

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