Trump Fires DHS Official Chris Krebs For Publicly Stating There Was No Election Fraud

Nothing angers an authoritarian more than publicly expressing that the truth, especially if it goes against the authoritarians lies.

Loser Donald Trump has gone ahead and fired Chris Krebs, DHS Cybersecurity Official , because he publicly stated that there was the election was totally secure.

It was widely reported that Krebs expected to be fired last week, so surely this is not a surprise.

Krebs instantly switched over to his private twitter account, posting this message:

To his credit, Krebs was widely respected by officials from both sides of the aisle, as demonstrated by the flurry of tweets:

Chris Krebs was fired for telling the truth. This is unacceptable in a functioning democracy. Hopefully he will be back in his job on January 21, 2021. Until then, he is free to talk to the Biden transition team as much as he wants because he is no longer a government employee.

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