'Good Lord, Congressman!' - Lou Dobbs Shrieks At Devin Nunes For Refusing To Save Trump

Lou Dobbs managed to make corrupt GOP Rep. Devin Nunes almost look sane in comparison when he barked at him like a rabid dog about why Republicans aren't refusing to accept the results of the presidential election and denying King Trump his god given right to a second term.

Lou Dobbs managed to make corrupt GOP Rep. Devin Nunes almost look sane in comparison when he barked at him like a rabid dog about why Republicans aren't refusing to accept the results of the presidential election and denying King Trump his god given right to a second term.

Dobbs has been pushing right wing conspiracy theories about the presidential election for the last week, and this Friday evening he browbeat Nunes, as though there's something anyone in the House can do to prevent state governments from certifying their election results.

The only thing Nunes had to offer in response was to beg everyone to go visit their new right-wing alternatives to YouTube and Twitter, which wasn't enough to suit Dobbs:

Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs is all-in on President Donald Trump’s absurd, scattershot, and completely baseless conspiracy theories that he has somehow won the 2020 election — and he will accept no Republican dissent from this alternate reality.

Speaking with Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) on his show on Friday evening, the stridently pro-Trump Fox host demanded to know why the rest of the GOP has not stepped up to defend the president’s election fraud claims, even as they are refuted by his own government and continue to fall apart under the slightest scrutiny.

“You know, the president doesn’t want a statue erected to him. What he wants is a free and fair election and honest results,” Dobbs angrily said to Nunes.

No, he just wants his head on Mount Rushmore, but do go on Lou.

“And it’s being denied to him…Dobbs said, cutting off the Congressman while notably citing no proof to back up his false claim. “It’s outrageous, and what I — if I may — what I’d like to know is what in the hell is the Republican Party doing to defend and to, I mean, why not just say we’re not going to accept the results of this election? It’s outrageous.”

When Nunes agreed and tried to pivot to the importance of Republicans signing up for the Twitter and YouTube alternatives, Parler and Rumble, Dobbs wasn’t having it.

“Good lord, Congressman, you know, with all due respect, Congressman, and I respect the hell out of you,” a fiery Dobbs said, breaking in again, “the pushing Parler and Rumble is not an answer to what I’m asking. You’ve got to have something to say and you’re on either one of those the, I’d hope there’d be more, I would hope there’d with more interest in the content than in the messenger.”

Twitter had thoughts.

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