Greg Gutfeld: Even If Trump Loses, He's Head Of The Party, So 'We'll Have Two Presidents!'

This has got to be a contender for the worst take on Donald Trumps decisive election loss to Joe Biden yet. No, Greg, we only have ONE president at a time.

I wish Greg Gutfeld would share whatever the hell it is he's smoking, because if he's not high, he is out of his idiotic sh*t-for-brains mind.

This Fox Five moron suggested in all seriousness that because Trump was the "titular head" of the Republican party, he would continue to be president alongside Joe Biden when Biden is sworn in on January 20th. That's right, but first, he set up this GRAND Hollywood movie scenario wherein 2016 was Act I (Trump mAkEs aMeRiKkKa GrEaT), Joe Biden's presidency is Act II, wherein Biden DESTROYS EVERYTHING GOOD AND HOLY THAT TRUMP HATH WROUGHT, and 2024 will be Act III, when Trump makes a triumphant return to the White House for a second term as president because, (get this) Gutfeld smarmed, "You don't really love somebody until they go away. And then when they come back, you love 'em even more."

Now, if your sex organs didn't just shrivel up and commit Hari Kari listening to Gutfeld's slimy voice speak that sentence, you might be a Republican. You might even enjoy the fact that Gutfeld is openly slathering himself in Astroglide on live TV in an effort to shimmy up Trump's ass so far he'll emerge from one of his fake hair plugs. But hey, in that case, you're probably not reading this.

The best part was at the end, though, when he posited this bit of Constitutional blasphemy:

GUTFELD: THINK ABOUT THIS! Obama went away! He wasn't the titular head. He basically left the party, just disappeared. Trump isn't gonna do that, and they need him. He redefined the party, because he spoke for people that both the Democrats and the Republicans forgot about. So I think, I think we're gonna have a HELL of a lot of fun. We're gonna have two presidents! We're gonna have two presidents!

Okay, first of all, going away is what presidents DO when they're no longer president. They don't stick around to interfere in party politics. Not openly, anyhow.

Secondly, the people Trump spoke for that the Dems and Repukes forgot about? Those people are neo-nazi f*ckwads. They SHOULD be forgotten about. They are the dregs of society. Dare I say it? DEPLORABLES. We. Don't. Want. Them. Here.

Finally, two presidents? What is this, a biumverate? Is this 6th grade Student Council? All of a sudden, the previous president gets to stay president even when they're voted out of office because they don't like to LOSE? Show me where in the Constitution that's written, or even implied.

Are these the lengths to which people on Fox News and the GOP will go to soothe this dysfunctional 74-year-old toddler's fee-fees?

Twitter had thoughts that, unsurprisingly, echoed my own.

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