James Carville Tells Democrats To 'Put Away The Ambien And Razor Blades'

The Democratic operative says he's still confident of a Biden win.

James Carville said earlier yesterday that he expected a Biden win by 10 o'clock last night. Brian Williams had him on again to ask what went wrong.

"James, you predicted a night long done and dusted before this. How do you view this fight and what's going on?" Williams asked.

"The first thing is, every Democrat, just put the razor blades and Ambien back in the medicine cabinet. We're going to be fine," Carville said.

"My dear friend Gov. Whitmer said Michigan is a red mirage. Pennsylvania looks really good. I think a big surprise is Georgia. Steve Kornacki did a really good job telling people what's out. So I-- look, I hoped we would know earlier than we did. I think we're going to be just fine. I'm very optimistic.

"I've been talking all night. People are rerunning the numbers. And we just have to hang in there, and we're going to win this thing. I promise you. But just, you know, stay up the night, watch the returns. We're doing a good job. I'll be able to crack it open, maybe not tonight, but I will crack that little puppy open before this is over."

"James, what in your view did happen? You and I talk often on it air. What did happen between your prediction of maybe 10:00 Eastern time, 10:30 and where we are now and where we may be Thursday the next time we talk?" Williams said.

Carville said he thought one of the biggest stories was the Latino vote in Florida.

"You know, as you look beyond Miami-Dade, we performed well. And if you look at Duval, which I think is going to still stay the majority, in every county I see in Georgia, we're doing a little bit better. I'd be the first to say, look, I was more bullish. I feel that's my -- that's what I do in life. I always think I'm going to win."

But, he said, "I have really good reasons to think that we're going to be fine. I've talked to a lot of people tonight. It might take a bit longer to move on it, but everybody just hang in there. America's coming back, and I feel good about where we are. Of course I wish we were sitting here, you know, cracking open this great bottle of Champagne right now. But I'm going to put it on ice, and I think I'm going to crack it open about Friday.

"And I'm optimistic. I really am," he said.

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