Jason Chaffetz Says Joe Biden Didn't Thank Trump Enough

"Why wasn't JOE BIDEN more gracious" is what the cowardly ex-congressman is paid to say on Fox.

Jason Chaffetz had a job of investigating Hillary Clinton to affect the 2016 election. He was chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He also ran in 2016 for re-election to his own House seat.

But when Donald Trump won the election, Jason Chaffetz didn't want to be chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee any more. He couldn't wait two years to get out of the Congress and go work for Fox News. He quit his House seat on June 30 of 2017.

And now he gets paid by Fox to spout this BS. (Transcript via Media Matters):

JASON CHAFFETZ (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): So you know, you can have a crying Stephen Colbert putting on an act -- because he is an actor -- saying he was just so saddened by this, but I never saw them crying about Donald Trump. You know. Donald Trump, when he won, his victory speech, first he did was thank and honor Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden in his speech last night never even mentioned Donald Trump directly. Did not thank him for his service. Did not honor Donald Trump and all the success he had in this country. He didn't even do that. And so, you know, cart's before the horse here.

Donald Trump thanked Hillary Clinton for GRACIOUSLY CONCEDING THE ELECTION, Jason.

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