Keith Olbermann: They All Need To Be Prosecuted Or They'll Try It Again

This is one of Keith's best rants yet.

Keith Olbermann doesn't want to mince words: The Trump collaborators must be prosecuted, or they're going to do it all again. And it was bracing, as Keith spelled out how letting the Bush administration off the hook inevitably led to the attempted coup by Trump and his enablers.

"The spectacle of local overt racist ballot certifiers in the suburbs of Detroit having the power to overthrow the duly elected government of the united states will still be there for the election of 2024. the tyranny of the minority via the electoral college will still be there for the election of 2024.

"The ingredients of this coup attempt will still be there for the election of 2024 and God knows the scumbags who support Donald Trump who either believe this delusion of him as martyred victim, or pretend to believe it to cover their own racist or fascist motives, they will still be here for the election of 2024.

"There is only one short-term solution when there is a decent and honest president who may not control the Senate and who barely controls the House and who faces a supermajority full of Bible-thumping political toadies on the Supreme Court.

"The people who did this to our democracy must face the imminent prospect of going to prison for how they assailed freedom these last five years, and they and those who supported them must live the rest of their lives in abject fear of going to prison if they try it again."

Everybody say amen!

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