Mike Pence Lies About Pfizer Vaccine, Claims Credit For The Trump Administration

Pence claimed that Pfizer were part of Trump's 'Operation Warp Speed.' They weren't.

As soon as this bald-faced lie came out on Twitter, Pfizer officials were asked what Pence was talking about, as they hadn't taken any government money to work on a vaccine. Pfizer, rightly, refused to work with the Trump administration.

Source: Alternet

Vice President Mike Pence, the Coronavirus Task Force chief, and former Trump UN Ambassador Nikki Haley are under fire for trying to give credit for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to President Donald Trump and the White House's "Operation War Speed."

Pfizer announced Monday morning its coronavirus vaccine is 90% effective. The pharmaceutical giant refused to partner with the Trump administration to develop the drug, instead it worked with a German group.

And a reminder from Pfizer's CEO about why they refused the Trump administration's "help".

Nikki Haley also tried to claim credit for the Trump administration.

It's not just that lie so brazenly, but that they're so stupid about it.

Immediate jeers all around for this bunch of know-nothings.

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