Mississippi Voters Approve New, Not-So-Confederate, State Flag Design

Voters chose to adopt the new design by more than 69%.

A welcome sign in an otherwise dreary election night. A reminder though that it was economic pressure that finally pushed Mississippi over the edge into making this move into modernity.

Source: CBS News

Mississippi has formally rebuked the confederate battle cross that once adorned its state flag. Voters cast their ballots in favor of Measure 3, a referendum adopting a new state flag featuring a magnolia surrounded by 21 stars signifying the states that joined the union before Mississippi, along with the words "In God we trust."

With 79% reporting, voters chose to adopt the new design by more than 69%, according to The Clarion Ledger. Mississippi had used a flag featuring the confederate battle cross for 126 years and was the last state to do so. Georgia changed its flag to remove the symbol in 2001.

A law signed by Governor Tate Reeves in July removed the flag from state buildings. Its removal came following the fatal police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which sparked widespread protests and the reconsideration of leaving many Confederate monuments standing.

A subsequent contest saw thousands of entries from the public. A nine-person commission ultimately winnowed down the choices and picked the flag featuring the state flower, which was designed by Hunter Jones, Sue Anna Joe and Kara Giles.

It was back in June that Mississippi finally voted to retire their hateful symbol.

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