Obama Tells Georgia: You Deserve Better Than This

Atlanta Georgia! Don't Boo, Vote!

Did you know that Barack Obama has a stump speech this year, too?

BARACK OBAMA: And now Trump's Chief of Staff finally admits what we knew all along. He was quoted, just a few days ago, saying "we're not going to control the pandemic." Well, yeah, we noticed! But you know what? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can get on top of this pandemic. And if we got two new Senators from Georgia, we can have a government that's making that happen.

What's Trump's closing argument right now? Last night on his COVID Spreader Tour, he's going around speading COVID. He's like a carrier. Because he cares more about having big crowds than he does keeping people safe. He told his followers, "don't tell anybody but he's going to fire Dr. Fauci after the election."

[Crowd boos.] Don't boo! Vote! We had signs up there for Halloween with ghosts and they said "Don't Boo, Vote!"

And just in case you were worried he was taking COVID too seriously, now we find out his -- his intention is to eliminate from his administration one of the world's leading experts in infectious disease. The one guy who has taken it seriously all along that he hasn't been paying attention to. He's been listening to the guy apparently who thinks, uh, injecting bleach might be a good idea, but not the actual expert on infectious disease. So they want to move out the scientists and the doctors who understand this disease and put in people or maintain folks who don't know what they're doing. Essentially, their closing argument when it comes to covid is, you ain't seen nothing yet.

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