Parler Is Censoring 'Write In Trump For GA' Effort? Say It Ain't So!
The right-wing "free speech" site, to which whiny conservatives fled once Twitter and Facebook began limiting their ability to spread lies, is doing some censoring of its own, it would appear.

Remember (last week) when Ted Cruz had a freakout because he feels like Twitter and Facebook are just so mean to conservatives? What with trying to limit their ability to spread dangerous conspiracy theories about the election, and false information about a deadly disease and whatnot? Oh, he went on and on, grilling Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerburg for having the nerve to finally (act like they) give a flying f*ck about hate speech and voter suppression efforts, which just happens to impact the things REPUBLICANS like to post, mind you.
Well, the worst of the conservatives have fled to Parler, a platform where Nazis can post as much as they like, and Republicans can commiserate about the darkening of the national complexion out in the open without fear of reprisal or censorship. Or so they thought.
See, now that Trumpy Bear has lost bigly, and the GOP hasn't been able to bend the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia to their will (to allege non-existent voter fraud) there is a movement to tank the Senate run-offs in that state — which would throw the two Senate seats to the Democrats, Dr. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff — giving the Democrats the majority in the Senate.
Give The Libs More Power To Own The Libs!
No one accused these folks of being smart, but this movement is big on Parler, and they're urging Georgia Republicans to either boycott the run-off election on January 5th, or write in Donald Trump! There may even be a Roger Stone connection, because he cannot seem to keep himself away from all manner of batsh*ttery, but his PAC is now denying involvement.
Some GOPers have recognized this movement as a bad thing, however. Specifically, the ones in charge of Parler - like Dan Bongino and the Mercers. And they...the stewards of "free speech" that they are...have censored those posts encouraging Georgians to boycott the election or write in The Donald!
Update: Parler is working to hide posts tied to the super PAC's efforts and anything using the hashtag #WriteInTrumpForGA
— (@OpenSecretsDC) November 24, 2020
Say it ain't so! Hey, Republicans, don't you hate censorship, though?
Uhoh, this sounds like censorship. @tedcruz where are you? Speak out against BigTech’s censorship!!
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) November 24, 2020
.@MZHemingway save us from the BigTech censorship!!!
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) November 24, 2020
When is the hearing to grill Parker's CEO Teddy?!?!!
— 🇨🇦 Canadian Political Junky (@CADPoliticJunky) November 24, 2020
Does this mean Ted will haul the Mercers before the Senate to explain themselves...
— Ruami Grey (@RuamiGrey) November 24, 2020
Oh, it is to laugh. It's almost enough to make one want to join Parler to help these hashtags trend.