Comedian's Epic Rant: Trump Is A Loser!

"There's been something quite beautiful about watching Trump's presidency being euthanized by cold hard numbers and irrefutable facts," said Tom Walker as Jonathan Pie.

British comedian Tom Walker seemingly created this Jonathan Pie character, an over-the-top opinionated political correspondent, just for a politician like Donald Trump. And one of his 2016 videos for that American election went viral receiving millions of views, giving him an entire second career as Pie.

He takes particular delight here in not just Trump losing ("There's been something quite beautiful about watching Trump's presidency being euthanized by cold hard numbers and irrefutable facts."), but also the entire sordid spectacle of Trump whining and acting like a petulant child, coupled with the still complicit media who took years to even dare mention that Trump was lying through his teeth at every opportunity and generally shitting on American democracy every chance he had.

Here's his complete rant. Enjoy.

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