Violent Pro-Trump Marchers Destroy Business-owned Black Lives Matter Signs
A group of President Donald Trump's supporters were caught on video destroying property owned by Washington, D.C. businesses which have expressed support for Black Lives Matter.
Pro-Trump protesters, including members of various far-right nationalist groups, watch as several tear down and destroy “Black Lives Matter” signs put up by local businesses at the corner of 16th St NW & I St NW. Saturday, 14 Nov 2020 at 11:55 p.m.
— Mac William Bishop (@MacWBishop) November 15, 2020
A group of President Donald Trump's supporters were caught on video destroying property owned by Washington, D.C. businesses which have expressed support for Black Lives Matter.
The destruction was said to have occurred on Saturday as Trump's supporters gathered in D.C. to protest the outcome of the 2020 election.
Video was shared by photographer Mac William Bishop on Sunday.
A group of protesters carrying Trump flags and American flags can be heard cheering as men rip down a Black Lives Matter sign that had been installed by a local business. Protesters can then be seen stomping on the sign as others join in with shouts of approval.
According to Bishop, it was not the only Black Lives Matter sign destroyed by Trump supporters that evening.
this movement led to multiple minor altercations between a handful of pro- and anti-trump protesters, leading to at least one arrest/detention
— Mac William Bishop (@MacWBishop) November 15, 2020
people across the political spectrum have strong opinions about police conduct during civil unrest in the us
what i saw in dc yesterday was a professional police force doing its utmost to allow pro- and anti- trump activists to publicly protest, while preventing street violence— Mac William Bishop (@MacWBishop) November 15, 2020