Russian Hackers Got To U.S. Nuclear Weapons Agency, Trump Silent

Hackers have infiltrated almost a dozen federal agencies and on Thursday it was made public that one of the agencies affected was the Energy Department and National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the nuclear stockpile.

Numerous agencies were infiltrated by hackers over the last 6 to 9 months and it is only being discovered recently, the AP reports. The intrusions into computer systems were carried out by Russian hackers, yet Trump has not said ONE word about it. Did he know? If so, did he approve it?

The nation's cybersecurtiy agency "warned of a “grave” risk to government and private networks." Further, they stated that the intrusion had "compromised federal agencies as well as “critical infrastructure” in a sophisticated attack that was hard to detect and will be difficult to undo."

It was not made public what agencies had been breached, but on Thursday afternoon Politico broke the news that one of the agencies breached was Energy Department and National Nuclear Security Administration, which manages our nuclear stockpile!!!

It has been reported that the breaches began in March, which is absolutely shocking. One official, who wished to remain anonymous, told the AP: “This is looking like it’s the worst hacking case in the history of America. They got into everything.”

Regarding the nuclear weapons, Politico is reporting that the Energy Department and National Nuclear Security Administration "have evidence that hackers accessed their networks as part of an extensive espionage operation that has affected at least half a dozen federal agencies." It is not clear what they were able to access and/or steal.

Was this Donald Trump's final payment to Putin? Turning a blind eye to the literal hack of our national secrets, including nuclear weapons? We were worried about him selling national secrets and intelligence AFTER he left office. No one considered he would let it happen while he was STILL IN OFFICE.

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