David Perdue Acknowledges That Biden Won The Election In Video Call

Yet he still refuses to say so in public, of course.

Georgia's dynamic duo of awfulness, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, have so far refused to acknowledge in public that Joe Biden won the election, yet in private, or semi-private as this video call was not supposed to be made public, at least one of them does just that.

Hypocrites, scammers, crooks and liars, every last one of them.

Source: Washington Post

Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) appeared to tacitly acknowledge President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in a video recording obtained by The Washington Post on Thursday, speaking just days before President Trump plans to travel to Georgia to campaign for Perdue and fellow senator Kelly Loeffler.

Neither Loeffler (R-Ga.) nor Perdue has acknowledged Biden’s victory in public, and both have supported the president’s unfounded claims that fraud tainted the election.

But in a video meeting recorded Wednesday with members of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), Perdue spoke pragmatically about the role a GOP-controlled Senate could play as a check on the Biden administration. He did not discuss Trump’s efforts to overturn the election.

“We know what this change of command at the top will mean with our foreign relations,” Perdue said in the video, adding: “If we can keep the majority in the Senate, we can at least be a buffer on some of the things that the Biden camp has been talking about in terms of their foreign policy.”

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