A Dose Of Stupid: Duffys Say Covid Checks Are For Lazy Communists!

On Fox and Friends, Sean and RachaelCampos Duffy, "The Duffy's", red scare about covid relief and mask mandates, comparing the two to Communist! China!

In your daily dose of Fox and Friends stupid, the Duffy couple employ scare tactics to make a sane response to COVID into the Chinese Communist Red Manace!

China is the new Benghazi on Fox and other right-wing outlets.

I'm sure the Duffy family is equally interested in the number of Chinese patents Ivanka Trump owns, right? h/t Heather for the transcript:

CAMPOS-DUFFY: We are social creatures, and I do think that it has been nine long months, and that so many of us need that human contact. So I am glad to see that that is happening. I will tell you the hardest thing for me this past week has been watching so many of these videos on twitter of business owners, small business owners, pleading with soulless Democrats for their right as Americans to make an honest living. And I'm just reaching the point where I'm like is this China? Or is this America? I just think it's time for us to stop asking for permission.

KILMEADE: Well she's ridiculous. She tells everyone else to stay home and goes out and pops a bottle. You gotta be kidding me.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: And then her supporters said she put her mask back on. We don't know if that's true or not.

KILMEADE: Oh, please.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: It's ridiculous. This is what you see by the way in so many socialist countries where the leadership doesn't have to follow the same rules as everybody else.

DUFFY: Can I jump in here? Rachel says are we Americans or Chinese? Americans actually don't always take the authoritarian rule from our leaders. We actually stand up and push back. These bar owners and restaurant owners, they should actually organize and say listen...

KILMEADE: Absolutely.

DUFFY: … and say we're all going to stay open. We're not going to follow the rules and you can't put us all in jail. We're all going to open up. And by the way, you don't have to come and see us. You can stay home with your mask on and drink your wine at home.

KILMEADE: Exactly. It's a choice.

DUFFY: But those that want to come out to our restaurant, we're going to be open and we're going to be safe. And by the way, if these closures continue, Brian, and the government gives these workers a check for a little while, they're going to have checks for the rest of their life because there won't be any bars and restaurants to go back to work in.

They're all going to be closed. We're all going to be forced, or these workers are going to be forced to be on, you know, the government dole forever because they're crushing these small businesses, Brian, that won't come back.

KILMEADE: Maybe that's the goal. Maybe that's the goal.

DUFFY: Maybe.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Maybe it is. That's what they're doing in China. They're, you know, they're consolidating power, even more, whatever little bit of free market was left over this pandemic. You know, Chairman Xi has consolidated and made it less so. Because the middle class has always been the most unruly, you know, feisty group. And that is who you have to control. And I agree with Sean. I don't know why they haven't gotten together en masse and said we're not doing this.

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