Betsy DeVos Calls Student Debt Forgiveness 'A Truly Insidious Notion'

The Education Secretary called the idea of providing free college to lower-income Americans “a socialist takeover of higher education.”

See, this is what happens when you put someone in a position she never had any business being in in the first place (confirmed only after a 50-50 senate vote, with Mike Pence having to cast the deciding ballot, so atrocious that even a few Republicans voted against her). You get the usual right-wing talking points, sloganeering, and talk of the "higher education industry" as a sort of for-profit balance sheet only, when the public sector dominates and actually educates most of the students in the United States.

Source: Yahoo Finance

Outgoing Education Secretary Betsy DeVos presented a spirited defense of her record after four years and skewered proposals from progressive politicians related to student debt cancellation and free college at the virtual 2020 Federal Student Aid (FSA) Training Conference on Tuesday.
DeVos took aim at proposals to cancel student debt, a proposal that the incoming Biden administration campaigned on, calling debt forgiveness “the truly insidious notion of government gift-giving.”

“We’ve heard shrill calls to ‘cancel,’ to ‘forgive,’ to ‘make it all free,’” Devos added. “Any innocuous label out there can’t obfuscate what it really is: wrong.”

She also condemned the Democrat-supported idea of providing free college to lower-income Americans, calling the proposal “a socialist takeover of higher education.”

“Now, depending on your personal politics, some of you might not find that notion as scary as I do,” DeVos said. “But mark my words: None of you would like the way it will work.”
Making college free would water down the quality of American higher ed, DeVos claimed, adding: “If the politicians proposing ‘free college’ today get their way, just watch our colleges and universities begin to resemble a failing K-12 school, with the customer service of the DMV to boot.”

In a Trump cabinet that featured the worst bunch of crooks and liars since the time of Warren G. Harding, Betsy DeVos might be the worst of the lot.

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