GA Republican: Trump ‘Complicit’ In Threats Against Election Officials

Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling, a Republican, is fed up with GOP silence on the incendiary attacks on the 2020 election he says will lead to someone getting killed.

Sterling called on Trump as well as Georgia’s two Republican senators to “take a position of leadership” and condemn the inflammatory rhetoric that has led to death threats against Georgia’s election officials after the state’s vote went to Joe Biden. “All of you who have not said a damn word are complicit in this,” Sterling said.

Nicolle Wallace played a clip:

STERLING: Mr. President, you have not condemned these actions or this language. Senators, you have not condemned this language or these actions. This has to stop. We need you to step up and if you are going to take a position of leadership, show some. This is elections. This is the backbone of democracy and all of you who have not said a damn word are complicit in this.

It's too much. Yes, fight for every legal vote. Go through your due process. We encourage you, use your First Amendment, that's fine. Death threats, physical threats, intimidation, it's too much. It's not right. They have lost the moral high ground to claim that it is.

Reuters reporter Brad Heath has more:

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