GOP Blocks Violence Against Women Act Because Stalkers Should Have Guns
The "boyfriend loophole" means your stalker can be armed. Senate Republicans are blocking the Violence Against Women Act reauthorization over gun "rights" of stalkers and violent boyfriends. Really.
You would think being "anti-wife beating" would be a bipartisan thing.
But what about "that guy I went out with once is stalking me and he has a gun"?
This week Senate Republicans again showed us who they are.
Senate Republicans are blocking re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) over the so-called "Boyfriend Loophole." USA Today:
...the most recent version of the bill passed by the House last year intended to close the “boyfriend loophole,” which proved to be a large point of contention for many Republicans.
Previous versions of the act barred those convicted of domestic violence or abuse from purchasing and owning a gun if they were married to, lived with or had a child with the victim. But the 2019 amendment hoped to extend that provision to include dating partners and stalkers.
Though it had support from all Democrats who voted but one, only 33 Republicans voted to move the legislation forward, and the GOP has been accused of giving into the National Rifle Association, which has opposed the change.
I really don't like ending posts with "Republicans are evil" but sometimes I don't have a choice.