'It's About Power, Racism': Explaining GOP's Refusal To Accept Joe Biden's Win

The New York Times's Mara Gay really broke down, in simple terms, exactly why the GOP is lockstep with Donald Trump on The Beat with Ari Melber.

Mara Gay joined Ari Melber on Thursday night to discuss the ongoing refusal of the Republican Party to accept that Joe Biden won the election (he did) and that Donald Trump lost (he did). What is behind it? Well, Mara breaks it down...and this is most concise explanation I have seen:

There are plenty of policy differences. The problem is that the differences seem to be over those who are willing to throw away Democracy and human and Democratic rights of their fellow Americans for sheer power. This is about power. It's about money. It's about donors and lobbyists and it's about the use of a very, very old dark element in our politics, which is racism that is being welded to, you know, to allow some to hold power into minority and I really think that that's what is so scary about this time.

It's not just that Donald Trump is undermining Joe Biden, right? It's that he's delegitimizing and as are his allies, they are delegitimizing the votes of Americans that voted differently than Donald Trump supporters. So you're making them un-American and let's not forget that this country has really only been a truly representative Democracy in any form for a few decades so that history is far closer and we don't have to look overseas to see what anti-democratic movements look like. You can look in the American south just a few decades ago.

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