Memory Lane: Maddow Looks Back At All Bill Barr Did To Protect Trump

Remember how Barr eagerly auditioned for this job? Wonder why...

Last night, Rachel Maddow talked about Barr's record with the Mueller report -- and more:

"On the pace of scandal that the Trump administration has maintained from the beginning, honestly, 37 days is plenty of time for them to have another cabinet official resign in disgrace or get fired or arrested or maybe all three. I mean, 37 days? How many more cabinet scandals might break open? How many more people might resign in disgrace?

"I mentioned at the top of the show, Attorney General William Barr is out tonight. We're going to have reaction from a former senior Justice Department and FBI official who has been one of William Barr's most potent critics. But I should also note -- and, you know, this may turn out to be just a coincidence, but just before we got word that William Barr was resigning tonight, we also learned about the resignation of the first Trump-appointed U.S. attorney as well. U.S. attorneys, of course, don't serve for fixed terms. They can quit whenever they want. But the resignation tonight of Craig Carpenito, who is the Trump appointed U.S. attorney in New Jersey, he's the first U.S. attorney to quit since the election. And it is a little bit weird for a U.S. attorney to quit during a lame duck," she said.

She reminded us he was part of the scheme to push out the U.S. attorney for the SDNY.

"It was Carpenito, the New Jersey U.S. Attorney, who Bill Barr wanted to install instead as a temporary leader in charge of SDNY when he was trying to fire U.S. Attorney Geoff Berman there. This all fell apart when U.S. attorney Geoff Berman pushed back on what Barr was trying to do. He went public with what barr was trying to do. He wouldn't go quietly. He insisted it would be his own deputy at SDNY who would take charge at that office, not some guy Barr was bringing in from the outside.

"Again, Carpenito resignation announced tonight just minutes before we learned that Barr is also resigning. It may just be a coincidence, but Barr is out, as is the guy that Barr used in that sort of hit job where he was trying to decapitate SDNY, while, it should be noted, SDNY was reportedly investigating the president's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

"I mean untangling the mess left behind by Bill Barr at the Justice Department and the way he blatantly, brazenly used the Justice Department to serve the president personally, to settle political scores for the president, to go after the president's enemies, to protect the president's friends, wading in personally to multiple U.S. attorneys' offices to stop or to derail prosecutions or sentencing that was potentially going to pose a threat to the president in terms of the president's own criminal exposure -- I mean unraveling all of this stuff is going to be -- it's going to be a task."

Remember how Barr auditioned for the post by writing a memo attacking Mueller? And then got a job in charge of Mueller? And then he lied about the Mueller Report, and then lied to Congress about those lies?

Remember how he buried the whistleblower report about Trump's Ukraine call? And wait, there's always more!

No, he resigned for a reason.

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