Newsmax Anchor Vows To Fight On, 'It's Not Over!'

After yesterday's 9-0 thumping by the Supreme Court, their dismissal of Texas' ridiculous lawsuit, the rightwing media vows to keep fighting.

A thumping in the Supreme Court is not going to stop these lunatics. Not one little bit. The clip above looks more like it was produced by Comedy Central rather than a real news network.

Source: The Wrap

Newsmax host Greg Kelly sounded like a whiny broken record on Friday, repeatedly yelling “it’s not over!” after the Supreme Court turned down a Texas lawsuit pushing to overturn election results in four key battleground states.

That means that despite the Trump administration’s ceaseless efforts to flip the presidential election in his favor, Joe Biden remains the President-Elect.

But Kelly, like Trump and so many of his supporters, is still not willing to throw in the towel.

“It’s not over. It’s not over,” Kelly said in the Newsmax segment, which you can watch above. “Yes, there is breaking news, the Supreme Court has turned down — you can put that — yeah, go ahead, leave it up,” he said, pausing to acknowledge the graphic on the screen next to him that read “It’s Not Over (NOT EVEN CLOSE)” above a picture of Trump.

Trump echoed it this morning, trying to come across as John Paul Jones I guess.

Instead, he sounds more like John Blutarsky from Animal House.

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