People Are Sending Mitch McConnell $2000 Venmo Requests


Classic! The internet does not disappoint. via Phil West at DailyDot:

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has positioned himself as the primary obstacle to $2,000 stimulus checks in a new debate over coronavirus relief ignited by President Donald Trump’s late-to-the-party Twitter appeals last week. McConnell declared Wednesday, according to CNN, that a House-passed bill proposing more substantial stimulus checks has “no realistic path to quickly pass the Senate.” So, Americans have taken to platforms including Venmo and PayPal to directly request stimulus checks from McConnell himself.

Citizens took to Twitter to document their attempts as well as to encourage others to do the same. One, claiming McConnell has a Venmo account tied to his general Senate email address, asserted, "I'm getting my #Stimulus one way or another."

Best hashtag of the day: #MitchBetterHaveMyMoney.

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