Putin Congratulates Biden, Says He's Ready To 'Interact' With Him

On what? Stealing what's left of our government secrets?

Vladimir Putin has finally acknowledged Biden's victory in the wake of yesterday's electoral college vote, saying he "wished the president-elect every success" and was "ready for interaction and contact." Via USAToday:

The Kremlin, which has decried what it's called Biden’s "sharp anti-Russian rhetoric" but praised the president-elect's comments on arms control, previously said it preferred to wait until the election results were official before congratulating a winner.

[...] In a telegram sent to Biden – published by Russian state media – Russia's longtime leader "expressed confidence that Russia and the U.S., who bear special responsibility for global security and stability, can facilitate resolution of many problems and challenges faced by the world now despite disagreements."

Still, Putin's remarks come as cybersecurity experts point the finger at Russian state-backed hackersfor a massive, months-long digital spying operation that targeted the U.S. government, military and corporations. Russia denies any involvement.

Ah, yes. Remember when Trump had that undocumented meeting with Putin, and they agreed to work together on "cybersecurity"? See how well that worked out?

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