Rep. Pressley: We’re Fighting For ‘Survival Checks’ In COVID Relief Bill

Rep. Ayanna Pressley ripped Republicans for obstructing desperately-needed relief for struggling Americans: “At this point they're not even stimulus payments, they are survival checks.”

Rep. Ayanna Pressley ripped Republicans for obstructing desperately-needed relief for struggling Americans: “At this point they're not even stimulus payments, they are survival checks.”

On her new show, Cross Connection, host Tiffany Cross asked Pressley to explain why she is “holding the line” on demanding direct payments to Americans instead of going along with a Republican compromise.

Pressley dropped the mic.

PRESSLEY: Tiffany, first I think it's important to acknowledge that this GOP-led Senate have been obstructionists in every way. They have prioritized approving some 222 federal, far right-leaning judges and carrying the water for a sham of an effort to delegitimize free and fair elections and to acknowledge that their president was decisively defeated.

So, they have been unpatriotic because they have not prioritized the American people. If they can approve a $740 billion NDAA package, then we should be providing direct relief to the American people, and that is in the form of cash, reoccurring payments. At this point they're not even stimulus payments. They are survival checks.

Americans [are] under the weight of unprecedented food insecurity, unemployment, an eviction tsunami that is looming, all in the midst of a pandemic. When I ask them, if we get this cash to you, how will you spend it, they say for diapers, for insulin, for inhalers, for rent, for groceries. And so this Democratic majority-led House has never lost sight of what’s most important, and that is mitigating this hurt and meeting the scale and scope of this crisis. So these are not people that we can negotiate with in good faith and they have been the obstructionists at every turn, prioritizing profit over people.

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