Senate GOPers In The Acceptance Phase: They Admit Biden Is The Next President

Even though they hate it, they're in the acceptance stage now.

Oh, look. Republican senators are starting to admit Joe Biden is the next president. Via Morning Joe:

"More Republican senators have now acknowledged Joe Biden's win in the electoral college vote," Mika Brzezinski said.

"Speaking off camera to reporters, Senate Majority Whip John Thune of South Dakota said it's time for everybody to move on. Texas Senator John Cornyn acknowledged Biden's path to becoming the next president and said that protesting the electoral count would be a bad mistake.

"Senator Rob Portman of Ohio issued a clear statement affirming the win, writing in part, 'Although I supported President Trump, the electoral college vote today makes clear that Joe Biden is now the president-elect.' Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was a bit more evasive, saying in part, quote, 'It's a very, very narrow path for the president. I don't see how it gets there from here, given what the Supreme Court did,' and he added that he had spoken to Biden and some of his likely cabinet nominees.

"Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa said, quote, 'Like it or not, I know for Iowans it's disappointing, but the process is what it is and the Constitution will be followed.' Asked if that means Biden is the president-elect, Ernst said, 'If that's what the electoral college decides today.' Okay. And Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming said he would quote, 'respect the results of the electoral college vote today, even if he was disappointed.' "

You know what they won't admit? That they're relieved. Even though they do love a Republican administration, they have to hate being under the thumb of the wild Man Baby and it's got to feel like getting out of prison -- or at least, getting a release date.

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