Adam Schiff Calls For Investigation Into 'Complicit' Congressmen; No Intelligence Briefings For Trump

If members of Congress aided and abetted the January 6 riot, they should be held accountable, said Schiff.

Adam Schiff spoke directly to his colleagues on Meet the Press Sunday.

"Along with my fellow chairs, we are beginning an investigation into what went wrong," Mr. Schiff said. "I think there's a massive intelligence and security failure here that needs to be fully investigated."

Mr. Schiff said any House members found to have aided and abetted the MAGA rioters? Should be punished under the law.

"If there are members of Congress that are complicit, beyond the complicity of challenging the election and propagating the president's lies, but more specifically involved in helping individuals do reconnaissance, they need to be held accountable," he said.

Let's hope they get to the bottom of who removed the panic buttons first. That's a hate crime as well as a violation of House security.

Schiff didn't sugarcoat it when it comes to Donald Trump as a national security threat, as well.

Senator Angus King agrees: "There’s a grave danger of [Trump] inadvertently or willfully revealing classified information that would compromise sources and methods,” King told CNN’s John King on Sunday. “There’s no upside. There’s no reason he needs to have this information ... and I think given his past history of being fast and loose with intelligence data, it ought to be ― that ought to be an easy decision for the incoming president.”

Hey, I've got an idea!

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