AOC Demolishes The GOP's Ridiculous Demand That We Simply Move On And 'Unite'

The only way to move forward is to hold accountable those that participated in the violent insurrection on the Capitol on January 6th.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortex joined ABC's This Week to discuss the violent insurrection on the Capitol, and she pretty much nailed it. She was asked about a letter that was sent from Republicans in Congress to Joe Biden asking him to intervene in a second impeachment trial, even though their lives were at risk during the riot.

Here is what she had to say to that request:

"Well you know I think there is a couple of things. One is, we have to understand that what happened on Wednesday was insurrection against the United States. That is what Donald J. Trump engaged in, and that is what those who stormed that Capitol engaged in. And so when we talk about healing, the process of healing is separate and that requires accountability. And so if we allow insurrection against the United States with impunity, with no accountability, we are inviting it to happen again. And that is how serious it is.

Perhaps my colleagues were not in the room. Perhaps my colleagues were not fully present for the events on Wednesday. We came close to nearly half of the House dying on Wednesday.

If a foreign head of state, if another head of state came in and ordered an attack on the United States Congress, would we say that should not be prosecuted? Would we say there should be absolutely no response to that?

No. It is an act of insurrection. It's an act of hostility. And we must have accountability, because without accountability, it will happen again."

She's right. If another country attacked our Capitol, sending in hundreds of armed people, would we not consider that an act of war? Would we not take action? Sanctions? Military? SOMETHING? Yet the Republicans want the Democrats to just move on and pretend that nothing happened.

NO. A response is needed. Right now we are arresting those that we can identify. They will rat out the people they worked with, especially if it means them getting a lighter sentence. We are shutting down their means of coordination on social media. And we WILL impeach Donald Trump again.

Hopefully this time he will be convicted in the Senate, and barred from future office. The best thing for this country is for the entire Trump family to be left broke, shunned, and in prison for the rest of their lives.

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