James Carville Chortles At Trump's Latest Pardonpalooza Scandal

"Does anybody really think Trump is not getting his cut?" Carville said.

The latest Trump pardon scandal is that lawyers are making big bank to lobby Trump for pardons for their very wealthy criminal clients. (Filling the swamp!)

"I mean, the fact that you're taking money for it, it's just -- it goes against everything that we know. But it's Trump. So here we are," Michael Steele said.

" I want to get your thoughts. This is not a surprise that the president is doing."

"It's not a surprise that we're outraged. But without me even looking at Twitter, I'm absolutely sure my feed is flooded right now with 'hate the game, not the player. Trump's doing what everybody else has done. Don't you remember Marc Rich?' What do we say to those who say this is business as usual?"

"First of all, the Marc Rich story has been investigated. Move on here," Carville said.

"Does anybody really think Trump is not getting his cut? Does anybody really believe that all these lawyers are making all this money and he's sitting there say, 'Okay that's fine'? It is so fitting that this thing is going down in a flame of criminality, of criminals everywhere, of money flowing everywhere. It's a fitting end. it's -- he came into this thing like this, he's leaving like this. This is the perfect, perfect ending, just bribe as many people as you can, take your cut, get your rate. But this is just wonderful. I cannot get enough of this story.

"But at the bottom of this, does anybody think the lawyers are getting all this money? Come down to Louisiana, I've got 100 million acres of water I can sell you in the Gulf of Mexico."

Stephanie Ruhle tries to be an adult. "All right, so obviously we don't know that for sure but I understand your point the president getting his cut. We know the financial pressures -- "

"I don't know if it's gravity, I'm pretty sure there is. I can't see it. There's nobody stupid enough to think Trump isn't getting his own. Go ahead, you're right, we can't prove it," he said.

"Okay, if there's no one stupid enough to believe the president isn't getting his cut, why is it that so many people still stand with him? Rand Paul has said if Senate Republicans vote to impeach President Trump, Republicans stand to lose a third of their party. How could any sitting member of the Senate think that, knowing even just this basic story?"

Carville pointed out that 40 percent of Americans believe that the earth is 5,000 years old.

"They've got tens of millions of people that don't believe in vaccines. There's just some people that are hopelessly, I don't know, naive -- you can't call people stupid these days, but maybe they're hopelessly stupid. I have no idea but at some point the country has just got to go it alone and we've got to move on with the other 60%. And that's just what it is.

"If you're so blind that you don't see what's going on with these pardons, that you don't see the money flying around, that you don't see the criminality, I'll be nice to you and ask you how you're doing and inquire about your children and your parents, but I can't do anything for you and it's just like, I'll be nice to you if you believe the earth is 5,000 years old and God made it in six days and rested on the seventh. It's wonderful. I just don't -- I won't have anything to do with you.

"I'm not going to change your mind and it doesn't matter. Everybody knows what's going on."

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