Man Who Organized 'Stop The Steal' Rally Says Three Congressmen Helped Him Plan It
Organizer Ali Alexander named names: Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, and Mo Brooks.
New Day's John Berman introduced the shocking story (okay, not that shocking, considering the people involved) that the organizer of the Washington sedition rally says he had help from several Republican members of Congress.
"Congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama already facing calls for censure, John. But as the Department of Justice announces, it's looking for instigators of what happened. These three congressmen could be in much worse trouble than just a censure. The siege on the Capitol started with a protest just like dozens of Stop The Steal rallies across the country since the election," CNN correspondent Drew Griffin reported.
"And one of the main organizers, extreme right-winger Ali Alexander, who says he was getting help from three members of Congress."
"That's right. Alexander says these three members of Congress actually helped plan the rally. Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, and Mo Brooks.
"Arizona congressman Paul Gosar has been working with Alexander since the election, firing up crowds with lies about the election results."
"Gosar replied to or mentioned Ali in dozens of tweets, including, 'I'll be in D.C. with @ali and the rest of America,' adding, 'We will fight back against the leftists who have engaged in sedition.' Another tweet on January 6th. 'We fight for Trump.' On the morning of the siege, he would send followers this image, stating, 'Biden should concede. I want his concession on my desk tomorrow morning. Don't make me come over there.' He promptly went to congress, stood up and opposed the certification of the electoral college results.
"The end of his speech interrupted by the very mob he helped stir up. Denver Riggleman has been warning about the impact of lies being fed to the public by America's own leaders.
"Andy Biggs was near Gosar on the House floor January 6th and met with President Trump along with others protesting election results. Even provided a taped mention, to be played at one of the Arizona rallies.
"Biggs now strongly denies any involvement in the protest. His staff stating Biggs can't even recall meeting with Ali Alexander. Mo Brooks is more direct.
"This is the Alabama congressman the morning of January 6th in Washington, D.C. A few days later, he told an Alabama news service, 'I make no apology for doing my absolute best to inspire patriotic Americans to not give up on our country and to fight back against anti-Christian socialists.'
"Former Congressman Charlie Dent says the actions of his former colleagues show it's time for a serious reckoning with the Republican party."
"Alisyn, Mo Brooks facing a lot of heat in Alabama, put out a rambling statement saying his word were taken out of context. Meanwhile, Ali Alexander, that organizer, he's gone into hiding, but continues to raise funds. A fund-raising page for that "Stop The Steal" rally has raised $184,000, all based on lies. Which means, Alisyn, this danger is not over."