Melania Trump Is A Petty B*tch, Part Infinity

Melania Trump continues her 4 year streak of being the most inconsequential and invisible First Lady in modern history.

Melania Trump, the most useless waste of space to ever call herself "First Lady" has left the building. In her wake she left a stupid tennis pavilion, a demolished Rose Garden, tons of ugly photos of her "decorating taste" and videos of her straight-up plagiarizing Michelle Obama.

CNN has more details on the monumental pettiness of Melania and honestly, it is laughable how Mean Girl Stupid she truly is.

Normal transitions involve a modicum of grace and warmth - two personality traits which Melania does not possess. In previous transitions, traditionally the departing First Lady welcomes the incoming First Lady to the White House for a tour of the private quarters, the grounds and a photo-op over tea or lunch or something else normal and polite.

But Petty Melania is completely devoid of any sense of manners or decency just like the monster she's married to, choosing to adopt her husband's attitude of "fck them, I am out of here."

Donald and Melania will flee DC at 8AM on Inauguration Day, which I suspect will be a relief to President Biden and the entire White House staff. It will be nice to return to normalcy.

But ending on this note is a fitting final scene to this 4-year train wreck. Donald Trump and his low class family and cabinet of grifters did not come to DC to help Americans. They do not care about anyone but themselves. So it is fitting that on the day they lose all power, they flip the monopoly board, declare the game rigged and storm off.

Instead of greeting Joe Biden and Jill Biden at the White House, Donald and Melania will be hiding at their Florida resort. So who will greet President Biden? The White House usher. But before Biden arrives at the White House, he will go to Arlington Cemetery for a wreath laying ceremony with three past Presidents and First Ladies: Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W. and Laura Bush and Barack and Michelle Obama. During that detour, the majority of the Bidens' belongings will be moved into the White House and unpacked.

It has been reported that the White House will have undergone a deep cleaning for COVID-19, fast food wrappers, orange tanning makeup and listening devices from Russia.

CNN did make a point of talking about the sleeping arrangements, noting that Melania slept alone in the main bedroom while Donald Trump converted a study into his own private bedroom. For all four years. By contrast, the Bidens, who actually love each other, will be sharing a bedroom. Like a normal married couple and not one that started with one person maybe being a paid escort who was looking for a sugar daddy so she could become an American citizen and eventually bring her parents over to become Americans, but who never really loved her husband.

Nailed it:

Stay classy, Melania.

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