Scarborough Rants Over Senators Who Won't Hold Trump Accountable For Attack
"You know what these people are?" he said of the Capitol attackers. "They are Trump terrorists. Call them by their name. By their name."
Joe Scarborough went full hellfire preacher this morning over the Republican senators who voted against holding Trump accountable in last night's impeachment trial.
He talked about them ignoring Marjorie Taylor-Greene running an ad of her holding an AR-15 and having pictures of members of Congress "who of course were women of color. Boy, that's a shock. Where she said she was going after them." And Republicans ignored it.
"We bring it up to tell those lug heads in the United States Senate that think that this is just another Trump fight, that you have people in your midst that have called for the assassination of members of Congress. You have people in your midst that actually may have been involved in helping locate you while you were hiding. You have people in your midst that actually may have been involved in all this. They certainly were cheering it on.
"So, Willie, we're not talking about a debate over the import/export bank here. All right? We're not talking about a debate over the organization of the United States Senate, the procedures behind that, a terrifically boring debate, a normal debate, the sort of debates Washington news has. We're talking about a movement and a president that inspired people to come to Capitol Hill to try to kill, their words, not mine, the vice president of the United States and the speaker of the House."
He went on.
"Mike Pence is in fear for his life because of Donald J. Trump. And Willie, when -- when they get on the House floor and pretend like this is 1999 or 2008 or -- they are doing themselves, they are doing their party, they are doing America a great disservice because this sort of terrorism has to be stamped out. Listen, I'm a conservative. A lot of people didn't like my views after 9/11. I don't really care. I sort of agreed with Dick Cheney with a 1% solution. Your job if you are a leader is to stop another attack against this country. Right?
"Well, guess what? I'm that same guy in 2020. You come after us, you come after our Capitol, we're going to come after you. And we sure as held are not going to let you inside our Capitol. We sure as hell are not going to held everybody, 'let's just pretend this will go away.'
He called out Lindsey Graham. 'He wants us to forget about the fact that people were bludgeoned in the head with an American flag because of Donald Trump. He wants us to forget that a cop was beaten to death and the reason why the cop killer beat the cop to death was because they were inspired by Donald Trump to do so.
"Ted Cruz wants us to forget because he led the sedition along with Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. Forget? Forget? You're out of your mind and you're not a conservative. That's how conservatives do not talk. We don't forget. If you attack our country, we go after you. We jail you. we throw away the key. You come after our Capitol? And you think, Ron, it's simply vindictive to seek justice for the leader of the insurrection."
Then he wound up for the finish. "This is what Ted Cruz wants you to forget. This is what Ron Johnson wants you to forget. And I say never, never forget. Just like I said after 9/11. Never forget that the Islamic terrorists came to our country and attacked us. And you know what? I said we needed to call them Islamic terrorists. You know why? because they were Islamic terrorists.
"You know what these people are? They are Trump terrorists. Call them by their name. By their name."