Sen. Warren: Dems Should ‘Move Now’ On COVID Relief With Or Without GOP

Sen. Warren: Democrats “got elected to deliver," "not just to stand around and debate in Washington.”

Warren has no patience for Republican complaints that the proposed COVID relief bill is too big.

WARREN: I'm sorry, we've got tens of millions of people out of work, we've got tens of millions of people on the threshold of losing their homes - tens of millions of people, latest data! 23 million people who can't put food on the table! And Republicans want to say the package is too big?

Remember what this package is about. It is about helping the people who need it, people right here in America who need that help, families that need that help. It is about making sure there is money for vaccinations so we can step up production and get those vaccinations distributed all across this country, to make us safe. And it is about getting our schools open again. Three principle parts that are in this relief package and the Republicans - what, don't want to do it? Don't want to help people in trouble? Don't want to help get more vaccines out there? And don't want to help get our schools open? What is wrong with these people?

Host Tiffany Cross and Warren agreed that Americans, unable to pay the rent, whose electricity has been cut off, who don’t have enough money to feed their families, are probably appalled to see a relief package delayed (or compromised) for the sake of bipartisanship.

CROSS: What is the point of having power if you're not willing it use it, particularly at a time when people are desperate?

WARREN: So, you are so right on this, Tiffany. Look, I hope the Republicans will join us, because let's be clear, it's not just Democrats who are suffering. It's Democrats, Republicans, independents, people who don't care about politics at all. We need everyone to have the help that they need. We need them to get vaccines. We need to get these schools open. But if the Republicans aren't going to do it, then Democrats got elected not just to stand around and debate in Washington, they got elected to deliver. And that is exactly what we should do. Get these -- this stimulus bill passed and get it done now.

However, Warren did not provide an estimate of when the bill might be passed. Clearly, her objective for appearing on the show was to goose it along.

WARREN: Every day that we delay is another day of people suffering, another delay in getting the vaccines out, and another pause before we get the schools open. I want this done as soon as possible. I'm ready. I am ready to go. and I think we've got a lot of Democrats who are ready to go. ...

Here we are, the Democrats are in the majority and Mitch McConnell is still trying to run things. It's going to come a point that he's either going to step up and join us or we're going to call his bluff. Me, I'm already at that point. We've got to get others on board too, though.

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