Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread
Your Sunday morning line-up, plus 2020's best News Bloopers!
The news pretty much sucked all last year, but at least there are always blooper reels. Here's 30 minutes' worth if you don't feel like watching any of the shows below...they're pretty frikkin hilarious.
Here's your Sunday morning line-up, according to Politico:
- NBC“Meet the Press”: Anthony Fauci … Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) … Stacey Abrams. Panel: Peter Baker, Geoff Bennett and Leigh Ann Caldwell. Panel: Clint Watts and Brandy Zadrozny.
- CNN“State of the Union”: Surgeon General Jerome Adams … Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine … Jon Ossoff … Stacey Abrams.
- CBS“Face the Nation”: Moncef Slaoui … Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson … Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti … Jo Ann Jenkins … Scott Gottlieb.
- ABC“This Week”: Anthony Fauci … Stacey Abrams. Panel: Chris Christie and Rahm Emanuel. Panel: Matthew Dowd, Byron Pitts, Julie Pace and Susan Glasser.
- FOX“Fox News Sunday”: Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) … Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.). Panel: Jason Chaffetz, Catherine Lucey and Juan Williams.
And if you wanted to know why Chuck Todd was trending on Saturday, it's because he's once again demonstrating what a useless pr*ck he is by having Sen. Ron Johnson on his show.
So, what's up for all of you on this first 2021 Sunday morning?