Of Course Trump Spokesman Uses Abusive Boyfriend Language

Jason Miller responds to Georgia investigation by blaming the victim because of course he does.

One thing you can say for sure about Mango Mussolini's administration, they sure have that gaslighting abuse down pat.

Georgia is investigating the manner in which TrumpCo tried to toss the will of Georgia voters and scuttle the free and fair election of Joe Biden. Biden won Georgia, did you hear? Included in the investigation is the recorded and published phone call of Trump saying he "needs" eleven thousand votes and can the Georgia Republican officials get that for him.

TrumpCo's spokesman Jason Miller (don't get me started about his PERSONAL history)...

...responds to the upcoming investigation by blaming the people who picked up to the phone. Because Trump couldn't have committed that CRIME if they didn't pick up the phone!

I am not making this up.

And everyone is noticing a pattern here.

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