Did Ted Cruz Leave His Dog Snowflake Home Alone? Of Course

While Cruz and family were off jaunting to Cancún, they left their pet poodle-mix 'Snowflake' home.

Michael Hardy captured this bit of classic Ted Cruz yesterday and wrote about it for the Intelligencer. Snowflake wasn't quite alone, as a security guard was there to watch the house and take care of the dog. But who hires a security guard when they go on vacation? Ted Cruz, of course.

Source: NYMag

After jaunting off to Cancún with his family Wednesday night, Senator Ted Cruz explained that he was merely escorting his teenage girls on a vacation trip with their friends. In an apparent bid for sympathy, he noted that, like millions of other Texans, “our family lost heat and water.” Cynics immediately cast doubt on this claim, so this afternoon I decided to check out the senator’s power situation for myself. Supplied with Cruz’s address by a knowledgeable friend, I drove the fifteen minutes from my Houston apartment to the uber-rich River Oaks neighborhood where Cruz lives.

From the street, Cruz’s white, Colonial Revival–style mansion looked dark and uninhabited. A neighbor informed me that the block had indeed lost power before finally getting it back late Wednesday night. A glance at the lighted lanterns flanking the doorways of other homes on the block confirmed this. The senator’s story appeared to check out. But then I heard barking and noticed a small, white dog looking out the bottom right pane of glass in the senator’s front door. Had Cruz left his dog behind?

As I approached to knock, a man stepped out of the Suburban parked in Cruz’s driveway. “Is this Senator Cruz’s house?” I asked. He said it was, that Cruz wasn’t home, and identified himself as a security guard. When asked who was taking care of the dog, the guard volunteered that he was. Reassured of the dog’s well-being, I returned to my car. Before leaving, though, I took a photo of the house from my car window, making sure not to include the house address.

But at least Snowflake had the last laugh on Ted Cruz.

Snowflake Cruz even has his or her own Twitter account now.

Snowflake seen in happier times, about six years ago when the Cruz family got him/her as a rescue, possibly the only redeeming aspect ever by Ted Cruz.

A few weeks ago, as they were going to bed, Caroline and Catherine prayed, "Dear Jesus, please, please, PLEASE bring us...

Posted by Senator Ted Cruz on Friday, November 14, 2014

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