Friday News Dump: Now The GOP Wants... A Makeover! And Other News

A new hairstyle and some makeup, and the Republican party will be just fine!

The United States is under the most duress we've seen since the Civil War, the recent president is being tried in the Senate after a mob stormed the Capitol and killed at his direction, a pandemic is raging, and what are the Republicans worried about?

How to preserve and strengthen their own political futures! Ha, ha! You gotta admire those cockroach-like instincts:

And even though of course I'm grateful for the work anti-Trump Republicans did to put out the massive fire their party created in the first place, I'm also repulsed. Because if you go back far enough, virtually everything in "principled conservatism" has racism as its base. Austerity is about punishing poor people, school funding is about segregation, voter suppression is about making sure only white people vote, etc. And their right-wing media structure props up that racism.

But for some reason, these homeless Republicans simply can't connect those dots between their party and white supremacy -- you know, the people who stormed the capitol. So why the urgency to restore those "principles," fellas?

We already know what Republicans do actually stand for: Self-preservation.



It's the weekend. Wear TWO masks, and wash your hands!

Sunday is Valentine's Day! Maybe you can't hold them tight, but you can still call, email, or Zoom to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.

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