I'm Not A Cat!
Zoom meetings can produce the most hilarious results.

The most comical moments can come from Zoom meetings, such as a lawyer appearing in court, with the filter accidently set to a kitten:
A lawyer using Zoom had to let a judge know that he wasn’t a cat after inadvertently activating a face filter pic.twitter.com/vChc14mjM1
— Mikael Thalen (@MikaelThalen) February 9, 2021
The best moment was this:
Judge Roy B. Ferguson can be overheard attempting to help Ponton, to no avail.
“Mr. Ponton, I believe you have a filter turned on in your video settings,” Ferguson says..
It's like the judge didn't want to completely rule out the possibility that the Mr. Ponton was indeed a kitten, just in case.