Must! Distract! Viewers! Tucker Carlson Goes Full Infowars
How can Tucker change the subject from the devastating evidence presented at the impeachment? Quick! Start a race war!
Fox News is not news, but you knew that.
It's Tucker Carlson's job to fill an hour of Fox News programming with content that will make his white Republican audience mad, defensive, and self-satisfied.
And Wednesday night was tough. Not only did Donald J. Trump incite a riot, but the presentation of the impeachment managers made it clear that Trump allowed the violent mob's takeover of the seat of the legislative branch of the US government to persist through the entire afternoon of January 6.
What's Rupert Murdoch's youngish propagandist to do?
Point to a made-up race war, of course! And create one on social media, so people will talk about HIM rather than Trump's guilt.
Transcript via Media Matters:
How did they do that? They used the sad death of a man called George Floyd to up-end our society. Months later, we learned that the story they told us about George Floyd's death was an utter lie.
There was no physical evidence that George Floyd was murdered by a cop. The autopsy showed that George Floyd almost certainly died of a drug overdose, fentanyl.
But by that point the facts didn't matter. It was too late. Cities had been destroyed, along with the fabric of this country itself. Scores of people had been killed. Democratic partisans used a carefully concocted myth, a lie, to bum-rush America into overturning the old order and handing them much more power. It worked flawlessly. So why wouldn’t they do it again?
There is no downside for Tucker Carlson to be this awful.
It keeps him wealthy.
It gives him a platform.
And the people he enrages? His audience hates them anyway.
It's win-win-win for Tucker until someone takes away the profit margin of hate television. Looks like somebody will have to bankrupt the My Pillow guy, ahem: