'You Can Hear The Terror In Their Voice' As Pelosi Staffers Phone For Help

Impeachment Manager Rep. Stacey Plaskett played audio of hiding, barricaded staffers from Nancy Pelosi's office calling for help as rioters pound down the doors.

You'd be forgiven if you'd mistaken some of the footage shown at Wednesday's impeachment trial for scenes out of a horror movie. A crazed crowd of white supremacists chasing a lone Black cop up a staircase, bodycam footage views from the ground up, from the point of view of the person being beaten by the mob with flagpoles and bullhorns. Hundreds of brainwashed cultists forming a human battering ram, shouting "Heave-HO" in unison as they shove their way into a government building, while inside we see a nearly silent Senate chamber quietly counting votes for certification, completely unaware of what was happening mere hallways away.

The moment laid out by Impeachment Manager Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) in the video above, however, is about as chilling a moment as could be scripted. Except it was real.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's staffers had just been ushered out of her office, and into an inner office across the hall because her detail knew the crowd was hunting for her. The staff barricaded the door with a desk and furniture, and hid under other furniture, and one of them made a whispered phone call begging for help.

"You can hear the terror in their voice, as they are barricaded in that conference room," Rep. Plaskett prefaced. "Please listen carefully. Because the staffer is whispering into a phone as he hides from the rioters that are outside the door."

STAFFER: They're with...we need Capitol Police, I think, coming into the hallway. They're pounding on doors trying to find her.

"You can hear the pounding in the background as that staffer is speaking. One of those staffers explained later that they could hear the mob going through her offices. Breaking down the door, and yelling, 'Where are you, Nancy?'" she said.

And if you heard the part of Rep. Plaskett's presentation where she played THAT audio...of the seditionists yelling for Speaker Pelosi, you'd have thought it was something right out of The Shining. The taunting. The glee. The evil. The "come out, come out, wherever you are" sing-song nature..."Nancy...where aaaaaare you?"

A real life horror movie.

Here's a link to her entire presentation. Take the time to watch it.

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