Trump Quits Actors' Union Before It Could Quit Him
So, SAG-AFTRA successfully jettisons Trump. Too bad the GOP can't do the same.
Twice-impeached (and Putin's favorite American) former president Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the actors' union, SAG-AFTRA. It's hard to imagine Trump ever even belonged to a union, because usually that requires payment of dues, and we know his track record on paying his bills. Apparently he did belong, though, because SAG-AFTRA was in the process of holding disciplinary hearings to revoke his membership, not due to non-payment of dues, but due to the slightly more egregious matter of criminal incitement of insurrection against the United States Congress.
Not one to be humiliated, Trump broke up with SAG-AFTRA first, declaring on very official-looking stationery that he is cancelling his membership.
Oh, no. Whatever will SAG-AFTRA do?
They said, "Thank you."
— james (@iamknighton) February 4, 2021
This, of course, is correctly and widely being mocked on Twitter as the very mature, "You can't fire me! I quit!" maneuver.
LMAO, imagine being so small and petty that you write to SAG-AFTRA to say "I quit" before they can remove you.
Who cares? HE cares. 🤣🤣🤣— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) February 4, 2021
If Trump has time to dictate other people’s tweets and “you can’t fire me, I quit” letters, he certainly has time to testify under oath at his Impeachment trial.
— Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) February 4, 2021
“You can’t fire me because I quit”
— Dave Weasel (@DaveWeasel) February 4, 2021
I too, renounce SAG-AFTRA!!!
You have let me down as well, done nothing...I will no longer abide your gross abdication of...oh wait...I’m just shitty at acting...never mind.
President Jon Stewart— Jon Stewart (@jonstewart) February 4, 2021
Now, on a slightly different note, much ado has been made about the seal at the top of Trump's letter, but I am here to disappoint you if you think that's somehow improper or illegal. Apparently all former presidents receive a seal for their personal use, as a result of the Former Presidents Act. Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush also have official seals on their stationery and websites. So, that is just not something about which you'll be able to credibly mock him or be outraged.
But let's be real. If you cannot mine enough material from the letter itself, which contains such abysmal writing as
Which brings me to your blatant attempt at free media attention to distract from your dismal record as a union.
(not a sentence, Donald,) and
Who cares!
(Should be a question mark, Donald,) I really can't help you.