Dan Bongino Gets Punked By Billionaire Rebekah Mercer
Oh, dear. Looks like Rebekah Mercer put one over on Dan Bongino.

You love to see it.
Dan Bongino was duped by none other than Trump-loving, Trump-funding Rebekah Mercer, into thinking he owned part of Parler. Oopsie!
According to Parler's former CEO, John Matze, (who, consequently, was outsted from Parler and is now suing both Mercer AND Bongino,) Mercer never signed the paperwork turning the shares over to Bongino. According to Matze's lawsuit, he believes "Mercer avoided executing any of the ownership documents to allow her to later dispute that Bongino has any such interest."
Bongino loved throwing it around that he was part owner of Parler, and Parler certainly benefitted from his elevating the site's profile as a haven for right-wing nut jobs, but according to Matze, Bongino never actually was owner of any shares.
As of Feb. 24th, though, he was still claiming he was. After the MAGA Sedition Riot on January 6th, and the second impeachment trial, Bongino said he was withdrawing from "day-to-day" operations of the site, but still remained an investor.
"I am still an investor in Parler and remain such for as long as I want my money and assets tied up in there," Bongino said. "I still think that it is a great alternative to the tech tyrants at Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere. Having said that, as of today, I believe, am no longer with the day-to-day. I'm sorry. It's nothing personal; it's just, I just can't, folks. I've got a lot going on in my life. It's really that simple. I've got too many things to do."
Like, something more profitable, we're guessing.