Utah Governor: Don't Be 'Jerks' When Mask Mandate Ends

With Utah set to end its mask mandate on April 10, Spencer Cox offered to his state the blunt "You don't need to be a jerk" when asked to wear a mask.

It's rare these days to hear a Republican Governor speak frankly and with some basis in reality when talking about COVID-19. So when Spencer Cox announced measures at loosening restrictions in Utah he did so with frankness and openness that is unusual in this day and age. And even after April 10 Cox reminded everyone, "Businesses absolutely have the right to demand you wear a mask, and if you don't like it, go shop somewhere else."

Source: Fox 13, Salt Lake

SALT LAKE CITY — With Utah closing in on a pandemic endgame, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox didn’t hold back Thursday, making an impassioned plea for residents to not be “jerks” to one another.

Speaking at his weekly COVID-19 briefing, Cox laid out the state's current success in battling the coronavirus, but asked that Utahns finish it out with class.

“Look, I know it’s been a really difficult year. And I know that these issues around the pandemic can and have been divisive,” said Cox. “But please, act with respect to your fellow human beings.”

Cox, in particular, focused his condemnation on Utah residents who still refuse to wear masks and act out when forced to wear one.

“If you go into a business and they are requiring you to wear masks, wear masks,” Cox said.

“Don’t yell at the clerk, don’t yell at the store manager. Don’t make a fool of yourself because you don’t want to wear a mask.”

Spencer Cox' remarks in full.

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