Graham Can't Stomach Partisanship When Democrats Do It
How does Lindsey Graham not spontaneously combust whenever he spouts such disingenuous, hypocritical lies about bipartisanship? And over COVID relief? What a ghoul.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) isn't enjoying being in the Senate minority very much, apparently. Suddenly, bipartisanship is precious to him, and its definition has changed to appeasing the minority in all things, in all ways.
On the Senate's passing Biden's pandemic relief plan, Graham took to the floor to rail against Democrats doing exactly what people in the majority do — pass legislation they want, if they can get the votes for it.
"Why are we doing this? Because they can," Graham whined. "They've abandoned the bipartisan model that worked, they chose a partisan model."
I'm sorry, what? When have Republicans adopted that bipartisan model? The one Sen. Graham claims "worked?"
"No matter what they tell you, my friends on the other side, this is a liberal wish list. This is very much seizing the moment," he said.
Yes, sweetie, that is how it works. There is a liberal majority in the House and the Senate. When that happens, liberals get to pass legislation they like. Usually, it's legislation that helps the lower- and middle- economic strata, and I know you don't like that very much, but that's a different conversation.
Who wants to remind Sen. Graham that a mere five-and-a-half months ago, when liberal icon, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, the former guy took exactly 8 minutes to nominate a replacement for her, and then the GOP Senate took approximately 17 seconds to rush through her confirmation, just a few days before a national presidential election?
Why did they do that? Because they could. Was it bipartisan? Nooooooo. Did it work for them? Yesssss.
Who wants to recall for him that back when conservative Justice Antonin Scalia passed away in February of President Obama's last year in office, Mitch McConnell (then Majority Leader) refused to hold confirmation hearings or a vote for Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama's nominee to replace Scalia? And the Supreme Court had only eight justices for fourteen months?
Why did they do that? Because they could. Was it bipartisan? It was not. Did it work for them? Oh, let's see. How's that Supreme Court looking right about now?
And how about that GOP Tax Scam that Republicans zoomed through Congress without so much as a hearing in 2018? The one touted as GREAT for the working class, but resulting in LOWER tax refunds for everyone but gazillionaires? Why did they do THAT? (All together now...) BECAUSE THEY COULD.
So, Sen. Graham needs to have a big bowl of Sit The F*ck Down, with a side order of Shut The F*ck Up about Democrats in Congress sending relief to those who need it after a year of pandemic suffering, thank you very much.