New Covid Surge Is Threatening Young People This Time

It's not only a more transmissible variant, but a more deadly one.

CNN's John Avlon talked about the newest coronavirus surge, and how it's affecting young people this time.

"New cases are on the rise in 27 states. In Michigan, they've seen an increase of more than 50% since last week alone. The state's lead health officials says Michigan is in the throes of a new surge and cases are increasing the most with younger people. Miguel Marquez is live in Detroit," Avlon said.

"Look, this is the race between the variants and the vaccines. What they are concerned about is not only a more transmissible variant, which you're already seeing, but a more deadly one. They're seeing cases here in Michigan and in other states rise mostly among young people. Here in Michigan, it's the 10 to 19 cohort where they're seeing the numbers rise the most. They say it's a community spread and they're trying to do everything they can. Fears growing across the country just as the new variant identified in the U.K. is becoming the dominant strain here in the U.S.," Marquez said.

FAUCI: When you're coming down from a big peak and you reach a point and start to plateau, once you stay in that plateau, you're in danger of a surge coming up, and unfortunately that's what we're starting to see.

"In Michigan, new cases have been steadily rising all month. The chief medical executive for the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, Dr. Joni Calhoun, says cases are rising among people, and the state has identified 1,200 variants of those first seen from the U.K."

A lot of the spread is seen among younger people. Ten to 29 is the group moving around, kind of relaxed and getting infected.

"In Florida, spring breakers have flooded the break, and it's seeing an uptick of cases in young people in at least one county. The state has reported a seven-day average of 5,100, up 12% from two weeks earlier. Florida has the most confirmed cases of the U.K. variant in the country,"

What we're likely seeing is because of things like spring break and pulling back on the mitigation methods that you've seen now. Several states have done that. I believe it's premature.
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